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What’s hot?
Discover your top summer looks

What’s hot? Discover your top summer looks
Discover your top summer looks726

Sweet and simple

Summer, baby: It’s hot, it’s here and it’s happening. You’re going to need some summer outfits that’ll do it justice. Now how to dress the part? Going into this season, there is more value on essentials over eccentricities. Think basic t-shirts, mini skirts, and your favorite shoes, in a soft and neutral color palette. On the other hand, the soft-girl era trend is also still hot. Think dreamy dresses, soft silhouettes, and intricate details like lace and frills – taking you from sun-soaked mornings to late-night dinners, coffee runs, and strolls in the city. Sweet and simple seems to be the main motto.

Carla T. - Blue Yellow Chic Look
What’s hot? Discover your top summer looks